Cezary Giluk |
Project Development Coordinator
Management and coordination of operation of Oil Sands & Construction Training & Safety Ltd. Managing operation, development of new business. Provides training and train-the-trainer courses. Development of courses and training materials Contact Information: cezary.giluk@oscts.ca |
Experience: Cezary started career in safety in 2002 by providing safety training to construction industry and has a lot of experience in the field as a safety advisor. Developed training programs in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta. Is certified to deliver over 20 safety programs and took over 80 safety courses.
Education: equivalency to Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Poland); Diploma in Microcomputers from McMaster University in Hamilton, On. Certified for delivery of OSSA safety programs. Safety designations: CSO (Construction Safety Officer-ASTTBC); CSC (Construction Safety Coordinator-BCIT); Certified Member of Health and Safety Committee (WSIB, ON) |