Saskatchewan Workplace Inspection in Healthcare CCOHS



Occupational Health Committee (OHC) Training and Support

Occupational Health Committee (OHC) Level I
SASWH offers OHC Level I in a one-day classroom format followed by support from SASWH’s Safety Specialists.

In addition, SASWH offers Effective Occupational Health Committees in Healthcare as additional support to OHCs.

 To learn more about OHC Level I Training:

Occupational Health Committee (OHC) Level II
This is a course for OHC co-chairpersons and occupational health and safety representatives, although all OHC members would benefit from attending.

Level II e-learning is completed by taking two courses on-line, with a nominal course fee for each course:

  • Saskatchewan Workplace Inspections in Healthcare; and,
  • Incident Investigations in Saskatchewan Healthcare Workplaces

On average, each e-learning course takes two to four hours to complete. Successfully completing both of these e-learning courses is equivalent to completing the two-day Occupational Health Committee Level II classroom training offered by WorkSafe Saskatchewan.

Also, completing OHC Level II programs via e-learning is considered “training by an approved agency” for the purposes of section 46(4) of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 1996.

The learning outcomes of the OHC Level II e-learning program are:

  • Plan and conduct an OHC workplace inspection
  • Identify and assess deficiencies during OHC workplace inspections
  • Identify and recommend corrective actions to address deficiencies found during OHC workplace inspections
  • Fulfill their regulatory requirement to investigate workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences
  • Collect and analyze evidence during an investigation
  • Identify and assess; direct, indirect and root causes of workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences
  • How to identify and recommend corrective actions to prevent recurrence of workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences