Preventing Workplace Harassment – Employees
This program addresses a crucial issue in the workplace: respect. Respect is reflected in a broad range of behaviour. It’s opposite, disrespectful behaviour, encompasses behaviour that includes racial and sexual harassment, and discrimination. The consequences of disrespectful behaviour for employees and the company can be devastating.
Everyone deserves a respectful workplace, and this program will help you be able to do your part in creating one.
This online Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees course covers the following topics:
- Describe the laws that prohibit workplace harassment.
- State the legally protected classes.
- List the elements of a sound anti-harassment policy.
- Provide definitions and example of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment.
- Give examples of quid pro quo and hostile work environment.
- State the actions to take if you become aware of workplace harassment.
Approximately 45 Minutes
Testing conducted throughout this online Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees course is designed to reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants are able to repeat the course two times if the pass mark is not achieved on the first attempt. Print materials for this course can be accessed online.
Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available to download and print.