Safe and Smart New Driver Training Program: Becoming a Professional Driver
This course is designed to refresh drivers some of the basics when it comes to being a professional in the transportation industry.
After completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Explain the importance of complying with applicable laws and regulations
- Identify the required driver qualifications and what causes driver disqualification
- Explain how your conduct on the road and at the customer influences the public’s view of you and your company
Your Vehicle: A Rolling Advertisement
- Lasting Impressions
- Your Driving Habits
- Vehicle Appearance
- The Face of Your Company
- Your Conduct and Image
- How to Handle an Angry Customer
A Regulated Industry
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs)
- Driver Qualifications
- Driver Disqualification
- Texting and Hand-Held Phone Violations
- Out-of-Service Violations
Approximately 10 minutes
A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Users are able to repeat the course twice if the pass mark is not achieved.
Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available to download and print.