Workplace Violence
This online Preventing Workplace Violence course shows employees how to recognize the warning signs of possible violent behavior, as well as how to avoid or defuse potentially dangerous situations. One out of every six violent crimes occurs in the workplace. And while workplace homicides grab the headlines… (homicide is the second leading cause of death on the job and the number one killer of women in the workplace)… other forms of workplace violence happen much more frequently. No organization, regardless of its size or type, is immune to workplace violence. Areas covered in the course include the nature of workplace violence, underlying causes and warning signs, aggressive behavior, threats and verbal abuse, sexual harassment, physical assault and armed assailants, fostering a positive workplace environment, and more.
This online Workplace Violence (MARCOM) course covers the following topics:
- What is violence
- Warning signs to watch for
- Handling aggressive behavior
- Avoiding injury if violence does occur
- And more
Approximately 30 minutes
Testing conducted throughout this online course is designed to reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to pass this course. The course is able to be taken three times in efforts to achieve the pass mark. Printable resources are available in the form of a comprehensive student manual. The manual is a valuable resource for future use and knowledge retention.
Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.