Incident Investigations in Saskatchewan Healthcare Workplaces CCOHS



OHC Level II eCourse for Saskatchewan Healthcare

Level II Occupational Health Committee (OHC) Training is a course for OHC co-chairpersons and occupational health and safety representatives, although all OHC members would benefit from attending.

Frequently Asked Questions pdf CCOHS Media Release pdf

Level II e-learning is completed by taking two courses on-line, with a $10.00 per course fee:

  • Saskatchewan Workplace Inspections in Healthcare; and,
  • Incident Investigations in Saskatchewan Healthcare Workplaces

On average, each e-learning course takes two to four hours to complete. Successfully completing both of these e-learning courses is equivalent to completing the two-day Occupational Health Committee Level II classroom training offered by WorkSafe Saskatchewan.

Also, completing OHC Level II programs via e-learning is considered “training by an approved agency” for the purposes of section 46(4) of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 1996.

The learning outcomes of the OHC Level II e-learning program are:

  • Plan and conduct an OHC workplace inspection
  • Identify and assess deficiencies during OHC workplace inspections
  • Identify and recommend corrective actions to address deficiencies found during OHC workplace inspections
  • Fulfill their regulatory requirement to investigate workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences
  • Collect and analyze evidence during an investigation
  • Identify and assess; direct, indirect and root causes of workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences
  • How to identify and recommend corrective actions to prevent recurrence of workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences

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